Tuesday 23 August 2011

Angry Birds boleh hilangkan rasa marah?

Use the unique powers of the Angry Birds to destroy the greedy pigs' fortresses! The survival of the Angry Birds is at stake. Dish out revenge on the greedy pigs who stole their eggs. Use the unique powers of each bird to destroy the pigs’ fortresses. Angry Birds features challenging physics-based gameplay and hours of replay value. Each of the 270 levels requires logic, skill, and force to solve.

Game ni best sebab ape?sebab characters die n sounds kiut miut comel je n kena guna akal logik jari n mouse utk melastik babi2 hijau. Alkisah...burung2 ni marah sgt sampai berapi2 bagai sebab teloq2 burung telah dicuri oleh si babi hijau yg susah nk mampos.orang curi teloq kita mesti kita marah kan.Haaaa..so, kena la gunakan power yg ade kt burung seperti sekor pecah tiga,ninja meletop,berteloq n meletop,terbako,boomerang swing,bapak n anak2 burung ni utk musnahkan semua keturunan babi hijau dan istananye. Tamat.. kbai  -__- 

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